Sunday, February 28, 2010
Day 58
Did you know that they make over 10 varieties of Cheerios? Yeah, neither did I. I was at the store the other, and stumbled upon a mini-monoply of the cereal aisle. For the longest time I was only aware of three varieties; the traditional ones, the honey-nut, and the multigrain. Well, now, there's apple cinnamon, yogurt covered, fruity, and even chocolate! Consider me officially out of the loop.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 27)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 7)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Day 57
I love getting things in the mail. Especially when I've been waiting, and anticipating it's arrival. Enter the speedlight. I've been meaning to buy one for quite some time, and finally I did, and received it today. Happy times, my friend, happy times. I even sprung for the extra cable and cap diffuser. Watch out.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 27)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 7)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD1)
Day 56
I like dogs. They are cute. My sister has one. Her name is Nova. She's part pit bull and part german shepherd. The dog, not my sister. She loves to play with toys, only problem is she tears them to pieces and eats them. The only toy they've come to find out is indestructible is a lacrosse ball. A plain lacrosse ball, no noises, no decoration, no color, just a white ball. She bites it, chases it, and just plain loves it. It's cute. They're friends.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 27)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 7)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 55
Another night on the road? Yes, but this time it looks pretty. Lights in the dark usually make for pretty pictures. Notice the flag and the red glare from the stop light. I love taking pictures, day or night. But night seems to hold a little more mystery and uncertainty, and I like that. I like uncertainty and whims. Love it, actually. I can't be the only one that takes pictures when they are stopped at red lights, or am I?
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 27)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 7)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 54
One of my favorite sports has always been people watching. I say sport, because it's really a workout for your brain, in thinking way too much about people that you don't even know. Its fun though, I enjoy it immensely. It's especially fun at the grocery store. They say you can't judge a book by it's cover. But, can you judge a person's eating habits by what's in their shopping cart? I like to think so. Doritos, anyone?
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 27)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 7)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 53
Today was delivery day. I brought with me the art pieces, as well as the tools I would need to hang them. They are secured by a simple picture hook at the top of the ribbon, then I hot-glued (my favorite crafting tool) the stars to cover the hooks. They were "precisely" measured by using the length of the hammer head to judge the distance between them, as well as for staggering them appropriately. Close enough, I say. Close Enough.
Movies Watched: 1 (YTD 27)
The Air I Breathe Dir. Jieho Lee 2008
Records Bought: 1 (YTD 7)
Patience for the Waiting EP by Jason Reeves
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 52
One of my hobbies is definitely cooking, I love to try out new recipes, re-discover old favorites and just spend time in the kitchen. Just for kicks, and my eye for finding a spare already prepared graham cracker crust, I decided to bake an old stand-by. Cheesecake. A simple recipe, as it only has four ingredients, and no it's not the "cheat", no-bake kind. It's real, awesome and simply delish. I made some hot chocolate to eat mine with. Yummy.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 26)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 51
All this talk of (my sister's) baby on the way, you are probably wondering if you'll ever get to see said pregnant sister. Well, here she is, in all her glowing, baby-bellied glory. You'd never know she was about to pop in less then three weeks! Here's to hoping for a healthy little baby!
Movies Watched: 1 (YTD 26)
The Orphanage Dir. Juan Antonio Bayona 2007
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 50
After a day of arts & crafts time, I was able to put together something (hopefully) cute to hang in the nursery for my nephew. I drew the pictures, then painted them with acrylics on canvas. The letters are large thick paper maché.
All in all, I think they turned out pretty cute, and soon I will be delivering them to my sisters house, so expect another photo of how it actually looks on the wall.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 25)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 49
Again, as I've mentioned many times before I like to make things. Almost as much as I love the occasions that cause the making. Take for instance, my sister having a baby. Super fun not only for the fact of the cute little baby that I will get to spoil, but fact that my sister has asked if I could make "something" to hang in the nursery. Lucky for her, this is like 'my thing'. I apologize for the Valley Girl undertone of the previous statement, but 'tis true. So after a quick brainstorming session and a few trips to the craft store, operation "make the nursery cute" has begun!
Movies Watched: 1 (YTD 25)
Ned Kelly Dir. Gregor Jordan 2004
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 48
Did I mention I love driving? And it's a good thing I do, cause I do way too much of it. And for some reason, I actually enjoy driving late at night. I guess it's the lack of traffic? The lack of lines at the truck stop restrooms? The general quietness of the night? I don't know. I just know I like it.
So, here again, me driving into oblivion.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 24)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 47
I love how everyone in my family has a camera of their own, and are more than capable of taking their own pictures. Yet, nine times out of ten, they will make me do it. My stepdad wanted some photos of a speaker he wants to sell on Ebay, so who has to go and take pictures? Yep, that'd be me. So here is one of the money shots, the input/output thingamabobs. Awesome, right? ...Yeah, I didn't think so either. It's ok. We can still be friends.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 24)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 46
I love ethnic food. I love to cook it, I love to eat it, and I love going to fun restaurants. Today, it was Japanese. Not just any Japanese place, a fun, hibachi style restaurant. Which, in case you're unfamiliar, hibachi just means that a chef comes over and cooks your food at your table. The chefs usually attempt to entertain the customers, either by, (in our case) allowing us to try and catch pieces of zucchini in our mouths launched from the end of his spatula, or roasting a marshmallow over an open flame.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 24)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 45
Ah, Valentine's Day. Your decision to either love it or hate is directly proportional to your relationship status. During my one year spent teaching in Korea I received more gifts from friends and students on holidays than I think I've ever received in years of living in the US. Last Valentine's Day I was given all sorts of beautiful and thoughtful gifts. Also, interestingly, Koreans not only celebrate the traditional Valentine's Day, but also a second holiday one month later called "White Day". On Valentine's Day, in Korea, the women are to buy gifts for the men. And, you guessed it, on White Day, it's reversed.
Will you be my valentine?
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 24)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 44
Again, as I've mentioned before, I love making things and creativity. I was at the local fabric store and what do I see? Only the coolest thing EVER. Duck tape! But, not just any duck tape, awesomely designed, totally rad, duck tape. Why didn't they make it like this when I tried to make one of those duck tape wallets in Middle School? That would have been sweet.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 24)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 43
Big day today. My first tattoo day. I told my mother last night that I was going to finally get the tattoo I've wanted to get for a while. Her motherly concern sounded like this, "be careful!", she paused, "I hear they're addicting". Thanks mom.
Not quite an "after" shot, more a "during" shot. It's a simple tattoo, it simply says "never give up", a phrase my father instilled in me (RIP Daddy). It didn't really hurt as much as I was anticipating. Does that mean I should get more?
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 24)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 42
You may be wondering, why on earth did she take a picture of her arm?
Consider it a "before" picture. I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for quite some time. Many years, in fact. The same design, the same placement...for years. So, tomorrow is the day. I hate it when people continually talk about doing things and then never actual follow through with it. I say, just do it already! Like I said, this is the "before" picture, pre-permantent ink, and my arm will never look to the same after tomorrow.
Movies Watched: 1 (YTD 24)
Seven Pounds Dir. Gabriele Muccino 2008
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 41
I'm all for creativity. I'm all for saving money. But really? This was the lighting fixture at a restaurant. And no, it wasn't a 70's themed Fondu restaurant. It was a (somewhat overly priced) bistro of sorts.
Anyone want to have a disco dance-off? To win, you must be fully costumed, authentic to the decade.
Movies Watched: 2 (YTD 23)
Paris, Je T'aime Dir. Frederic Huburtin 2006
Brother's Keeper Dir. Joe Berlinger 1992
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 40
I like to drive. In fact, I LOVE it. Any time there are multiple people going to same place, I always volunteer to drive. I could drive for days, and I have. I've made several trips around the country, taking full day drives and still wanting to do it again. I love it, or maybe it's the late night truck stops on the sides of highways that I like? Either way, it's fun.
Most of my family lives a few hours away from where I currently live, so almost every few weeks I go out for a visit. This is me driving home. In the dark.
Movies Watched: 3 (YTD 21)
Highway Dir. James Cox 2001
Bella Dir. Alejandro Gomez Monteverde 2006
Treeless Mountain Dir. So Yong Kim 2008
Day 39
One of my favorite people doing one of my favorite things. My niece, sleeping soundly. Can they just stay that age forever?
I remember being that age, and always hating when someone called me cute. But if I looked anything like this, I know they were telling the truth. Precious.
Movies Watched: 1 (YTD 18)
Milk Dir. Gus Van Sant 2008
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Movies Watched:
Day 38
One of my other favorite things in life are candles. I love them, and probably purchase too many. It must run in the family, because my sisters enjoy them too. This one in particular was a candle given to one sister from the other sister. It smells amazing.
Some day technology will evolve and allow you to smell things through the one computer...only the good scents, of course! So, until then, take my word for it. I promise it smells awesome.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 17)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 37
You may remember a previous post of preparing for my sister's baby shower. Well, today was the day. Lots of guests, lots of gifts, silly games and plenty of food. It turned out to be a lot of fun, I saw a bunch of friends I hadn't seen in a very, very long time. I also had fun decorating with streamers and balloons. I had forgotten how much of a struggle it was to blow up a balloon. It's been a while, let me tell ya. My cheeks were red and I was almost getting light headed, not to mention shown up by my 11-year-old niece with lungs of steel.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 17)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 36
I love a lot of things in life. One of my favorite things to do is laugh. Who doesn't love a deep belly laugh every now and again. I love people that can make me laugh, whether they be my friends or characters on TV or in the movies.
So, my sister called me one day and said that she was able to "get" some tickets to go see Kathy Griffin at a local college. The fact that I didn't have to pay for the tickets was highly influential in my decision making process.
She was funny, some of the time. Other times, not so funny...but did I mention the ticket was free? And my sisters wanted me to go with them. How could I turn them down and still maintain my "favorite sister" title? Decisions, decisions.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 17)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 35
One of the things I like about where I live, is the snow. One of the things I hate about where I live, is the snow. But love it or hate it, it's still not going anywhere, and will probably only get much worse. Today was pretty mild comparatively to past winters, and even other days this winter.
The last time I had a photo of my backyard it was nearly flooded with rain. Here's the other side. Overloaded with snow.
Movies Watched: 1 (YTD 17)
Wanted Dir. Timur Bekmambetov 2008
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 34
I love art. I love creating things. Making things. Coloring things. So, obviously, one the best inventions of mankind are Sharpies! They just come in so many colors, even metallic ones. No creative work station is complete without a multipack of multi-colored sharpies...can I get an Amen?!
Thank you.
Also, this photo was taken with my favorite ever iPhone camera app, the "Hipstamatic". If you have an iPhone and like photography, then what on earth are you waiting for? Go! Install, snap photos and be merry.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 16)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 33
Again, I found myself inside of an awesomely run down building. So I had to snap away. In this shot, I particularly enjoy the composition. One of my favorite shots of the year thus far. I don't really know why, I just like it. It seems to have quite the history, not mention a good story to tell.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 16)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 32
I love my iPhone. And, no I'm not being paid to say that. In fact, I have to pay THEM to say that. But alas, I do. One of my favorite things to do is find cool camera apps. I've found quite a few that are pretty awesome, including a potential favorite "Hipstamatic". That was the best $1.99 I ever spent.
Recently I found one simply called "BWCamera" and it was free, so I (of course!) installed it. And I must say it's pretty cool. It lets you take photos in black and white as well as convert previously taken photos to black and white. Awesome.
Movies Watched: 1 (YTD 16)
The Jacket Dir. John Maybury 2005
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 31
I love old things. Antique-y looking things. But only to look at, I don't so much want to buy them and put them in my house, I just enjoy looking at them, and taking pictures of them. Recently, I found an old, awesome, building. The whole time I was inside I couldn't help but think it would make such an amazing studio. Some see this and think "dirty". I think "awesomely old". I guess I just like objects and places that would have a grand story to tell.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 15)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 30
If there's one thing I like more than a good sale, it's a clearance sale! Especially at Barnes and Noble. I like reading, it's good. And with these clearance sales a month after Christmas they are trying to basically give stuff away! So now, I can spend $2 more on something I never would have bought in the first place! Er, wait, sales are supposed to save you money, right? Crap.
Movies Watched: 1 (YTD 15)
The Dark Knight Dir. Christopher Nolan 2008
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 29
Have I mentioned recently how much I love modern technology? The fact that I can have a camera (on my phone) on me, even when I don't have a "real" camera is so much fun. I would like to add this one to the many other pretty sky-awesomeness photos that I just can't take enough of. This one was taken before sunset, and I just love the colors! Fab.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 14)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
Day 28
My office can be a busy place! And by "my office" I mean Starbucks. Crowded. I try to keep to myself, as I've said before, I'm the kid in the corner with oversized headphones. I try to get work done, but sometimes it's hard with little kids screaming, or arguing with their siblings as to who gets the bigger cookie. I was also entertained briefly by an elderly man telling about his favorite operas and musical instruments. His assumption that I was a "real" music lover, he said, was from my headphones. As that was the "only real way to listen to music". Right on, old man.
Movies Watched: 0 (YTD 14)
Records Bought: 0 (YTD 6)
Shows Attended: 0 (YTD 1)
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