For the last few years I've been a fan of Don Miller, a Portland based writer (check out his blog here). I thoroughly enjoyed his previous books, including the soon-to-be classic Blue Like Jazz. This book, A Million Miles In A Thousand Years was a little different. In a good way. A great way, in fact. Don wrote this book while in the process of, as he says, "editing [his] life". Approached to co-write a film based on his life, he needs to have a good story. While writing this fictional story, he realizes the importance of a story in real life. The essential elements to a story also apply to real life. The characters involved, the memorable scenes. The progression, or change, of those involved characters will make or break the story.
An overall great read. Not to sound overly clique, but, not going to lie either, it made me laugh, it made me cry. Great read and recommended for those looking for a great read!
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